Keep It Sweet

Proverbs 31:26 – She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness

In this passage, the Bible describes the Virtuous Woman. She chooses wise words as she speaks. Her words are not only kind but also the exact law of what is kind.

Ephesians 4:29 – Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

That word corrupt is a strong word. It means rotten; depraved; venal; bad; putrid.

          Edifying means improving; teaching; enlightening.

We must consider these questions:

  • Are our communications – our words – spoken to our family, friends, co-workers, and those we encounter in our day-to-day lives considered to be corrupt?
  • What would others say about us when they hear how we speak to others?
  • Are the words we say considered encouraging, sweet, uplifting, Christ-honoring, helping to improve, and display the example of a Christian lady?
  • Would others say that our words are critical, never serious, unkind, negative, and using humor to be cruel to others?

I come from a long line of sarcastic people. I love to laugh, have fun, and tease my friends. Unfortunately, I have found myself needing to apologize for crossing that narrow bridge from “funny” into “unkind.” I have also been on the receiving end of jokes that hurt more than I may have shown to others. I have even had to console my daughter, who has a super-soft heart, when friends have unknowingly (and maybe knowingly, as teenagers can be) crushed her with words. I have said this and have found myself having to abide by my own words: Being cruel is never funny or appropriate.

We must keep in mind that just as the Virtuous Woman had the reputation of sweet words, we should strive for the same! We must choose words that epitomize encouragement, gracefulness, kindness, and sweetness. We should use godly discretion to avoid speaking words of hurt, insensitiveness, tactlessness, or inappropriateness.

Let us go out of our way to encourage those around us. Let us take an interest in others and their needs. Dr. Jack Hyles did a daily radio broadcast that he ended with the statement, “Be kind to everybody because everybody is having a tough time.” Let us show the world that in our tongues is the law of kindness!

by Tracie S. Burns

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