Our Work Is Not in Vain

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. – I Corinthians 15:58

This verse touched my heart this morning in a special way. At this time in my life and at my age, I sometimes feel as if I do not have the energy to continue pushing forward, especially when it comes to things that I do for God. I know there is no age limit when it comes to serving the Lord and doing what I need to do as a Christian, but these days, I occasionally consider that there must be something less stressful, less involved, and less time consuming for me to do. I am talking about something in which I do not need to put so much time, effort, energy or physical activity!

Honestly, though, the work of the Lord was never intended for the lazy person. It was never intended for those who are faint of heart. What we do for the Lord is important, no matter how we feel about it.

At this time in our church, we are looking forward to starting our King’s Kids program again. I have been working with the four-year-old and five-year-old children in our church for approximately four years now, and every year is an adventure. Each year also requires extra effort and hard work; and this year will be no exception. When it comes around to this time of year, I question whether or not I want to continue to do it. I am not getting any younger, and running around after four-year-old and five-year-old children every Wednesday night can be quite taxing on my physical being. Those who work with children will understand what I am saying!

It is when I feel this way that I always stop myself to remember. I think about the ministry that my husband and I had in Indiana years ago, before he was ever a pastor. We were junior church workers, teen department workers, Vacation Bible School workers, bus workers, and soulwinners. I think about all of the young people who are now mothers and fathers with children of their own! I see them still involved in church, running bus routes, or working in junior church or in the teen ministry. Some are even pastors! They are scattered all over the world and are still serving the Lord! I see evidence of how all of the hard work and time we invested in these “little lives and minds” many years ago was not in vain!

I am in no way elevating myself or my husband because, ultimately, it is God’s hand at work in the lives of His children that brings these blessings to the surface. However, it warms my heart to see all of those whom I loved so dearly back then still following the Lord today.

Now let us come back to the present day. With each year that passes, I have the opportunity to work with new children. Each year, I get to see those I have taught previously move on to grow more and more in the Lord as they learn from other teachers and workers who God uses to mold their minds with the Bible.

As I see these little ones every week at church, watch them as they interact with others, and see how they carry themselves as young people, I stop to remind myself that I had a part in their lives! Running around after them every Wednesday night, making them listen and obey, and having them repeat Scripture over and over again until they could repeat it back to me correctly—as frustrating as it was at times—was NOT in vain!

Oh, I know I am not the only person who will help to mold these little ones into what they need to be for God—their parents have the majority of this burden on their shoulders—but what a great privilege it is to be a part of it!

I just want to encourage any lady reading this who may be considering leaving a ministry in which she has worked for a long time. Stick with it. Learn to be steadfast (firmly fixed), unmovable (not subject to change), and always abounding (providing a plentiful supply). We should abound with energy, dedication, and grace in the work God has given us to do. The future blessings that await us far outweigh the present inconveniences! Our work is NOT in vain!

by April Hernandez

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