Luke 5 contains the familiar story of Jesus coming to the Sea of Galilee and preaching to a group of people from Simon Peter’s ship while Peter and the other fishermen were cleaning the nets. Jesus gave these men the command to launch out into the deep and let down the nets for a draught of fish. Peter replied that they had already been fishing and had not caught anything. However, he obeyed Jesus’ command. Of course, we know that Peter ended up catching so many fish that the nets broke and that he needed help to get all the fish to shore.
I have heard many sermons on this passage: about the faith of going into the deep, about the obedience of casting many nets, and about the peace of having Jesus in our boat. These all are true and wonderful thoughts, but a recent look at this story drew my attention to what happened after the fish were brought to land. In verse 11, we see what happened after the conclusion of the miracle: And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him. After the miracle, the focus was no longer on the miracle, but on the Miracle Worker. Simon Peter was already a disciple by this point, but we understand from this story that he was still fishing as his side job. In the previous chapter, Jesus healed Peter’s mother, so we know Peter had already seen miracles. Perhaps this miracle was the one that got his attention and made him fully understand that Jesus could provide for him. Whatever the reason, he left his side job completely to follow Jesus.
The blessing was not his focus; the Blesser was. In the midst of a blessing, we often are ready to share how God has blessed us. I believe we want to give God the glory for the blessing we receive; however, we sometimes become too focused on the blessing instead of on the God Who provided it.
My daughter loves to present me with drawings that she has made. She wants me to compliment the colors she chose and how pretty the picture looks. In short, she craves my praise of her. The Bible tells us we are made by God in His image; it is no stretch to say that God loves to bless us and loves when we enjoy His blessings. Oh, how much more precious must it be to Him when we brag on the God of the blessings more than on the blessings themselves! Let us never forget to praise our Blesser!
by Vicki Voorhis