Are You an Overthinker?

The battle of the mind is a struggle for every Christian lady. We can easily allow our thoughts to go where they should not, get into our own heads, and induce our own anxiety inadvertently. However, I have learned that where there is a problem, God and His Word always have a solution!

The story of the simple man in Proverbs 7 comes to mind. The Bible describes him as being void of understanding. He had a mind problem before he had a sin problem. The devil uses our minds to get us unsettled, upset, discouraged, and even depressed. Eventually, those states of mind lead us to say and do things we never thought we would say or do. If he can conquer our minds, he then can put us on a path of becoming unproductive for the Lord.

I have a strong tendency to overthink everything. I will try to imagine every possible scenario, good and bad. It gives me a way to feel as though I am in control; and if I am not careful, I will use that feeling of being in control to find security. The Bible does not say we are to find security and confidence in this way. Here are a few things that have helped me to overcome when I find myself tumbling down the overthinking rabbit hole:

I go to God.

Relying so heavily on my own thoughts is a true sign that I have been ignoring the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I know I must ask God for forgiveness and for His help. I must have the mental fortitude to decide to get out of my head and to put on the mind of Christ. Philippians 2:5 says, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Replacing my thoughts with God’s thoughts is the only way to overcome overthinking.

I have an ongoing talk with the Holy Spirit throughout the day.

Overthinking is an ongoing battle for me because there is a level of comfort in it, but that comfort only leads to anxiety. Instead, I ask God to remind me of the important things and to help me allow Him to handle the things I cannot. I pray for the situations I cannot fix and the people I cannot change or help.

I dwell on the Word of God.

I like to meditate on what I read in my Bible that day. I think about the Bible promises God has always kept for me. I consider the verses I have memorized over the years that have always brought me confidence and comfort.

While others may have other tactics to help them overcome overthinking, this is what has helped and continues to help me. We all must acknowledge our overthinking is not from God. In fact, it almost always leads to anxiety. When our minds are out of control, we are far from living under God’s control. If we believe God has it all handled, then we should live as if we do.

Do I still struggle daily with anxiety? Absolutely! However, I also fight daily to keep trusting my amazing God Who has never let me down. Proverbs 3:5-7 is a great reminder: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

by Jaime Wilson

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