God Wants to Use You

While reading the Christmas story in Luke 2, as I tend to do at least every December, I paused when reading verse 19. This verse says, But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. Later in the chapter after Jesus was left in Jerusalem, He told Mary and Joseph that He must be about His Father’s business. Luke 2:51 says, …but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart. When I read this, I realized that I can relate to Mary’s ponderings. I tend to be a thinker; and many times, I am an overthinker. I hold on to things in my heart. Then, I thought of another way that I am like Mary.

In John 2, Jesus and Mary attended a wedding in Cana. Jesus was a grown man by that time. Mary went to Jesus to inform Him of a problem that she expected Him to handle. She spoke her mind about that which caused her to be unhappy. Unfortunately, I can relate to this side of Mary as well. Not everyone is like Mary, but some certainly can see themselves in Mary in this story. As someone who thinks too much and can be outspoken at the wrong time, I can relate. However, God used Mary in a mighty way despite her shortcomings!

Others may relate better Jael in Judges 4. We do not know much about Jael other than the fact that she was a wife and that she put a tent nail through Sisera’s head to help to win the victory for her people. What a strong lady she must have been. God used Jael!

Perhaps others are more like Deborah, a woman who was leader when God needed her to be. She did not try to lord over the men; but when God needed a judge, she was willing to serve. God used Deborah!

Dorcas was not known for her strength or leadership but for the fact that she cared for others. She was known for her …good works and almsdeeds… She took care of the poor. She made coats and other garments for the widows. God used Dorcus!

Martha is remembered as the woman who was busy cooking and cleaning when Jesus came to visit, but she also was the sister who ran to Jesus when her brother died. She may have been like those ladies who are not always recognized but are always working behind the scenes, taking care of the things that no one else realizes are getting done. God used Martha!

So many other women from the Bible were used of God. Rahab, who is found in the lineage of Christ, had a horrible past. When given the chance, though, she put it behind her and changed her life. Ruth grew up in idolatry. Despite this, Ruth is remembered as the daughter-in-law who refused to leave her mother-in-law and was blessed. Ruth’s mother-in-law, Naomi, became backslidden. Even though she left God’s will, Naomi returned to God. She bore the scars from her rebellion, but she regained her joy as she saw God work in the life of her daughter-in-law.

Each of these women had a different story. Their personalities were different, and their strengths were different. God still had a plan for each lady, using the strengths that He had given them. He did not ask Mary to drive a tent nail into someone’s head, and He did not ask Jael to make coats for the widows. He created each of us with different abilities, and each of these abilities can be used for Him if we would allow them to be. He can even help us stretch our weaknesses and use them as well. How wonderful it is to know that no matter who we are, what our background may be, or what challenges we have faced, God still wants to use US!

by Vicki Voorhis

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