
We are admonished in Colossians 3:23, And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; The word “heartily” is defined in the Webster’s 1828 dictionary as: “from the heart; with all the heart; with sincerity; with zeal; actively; vigorously.”

This verse has been encouraging and also challenging for me lately. I am one of those people who does not like to do things half-heartedly. Whatever the task or challenge put in front of me, I like to be “all in.” I like to do it heartily. However, I believe the key word of this verse is found in the second part where it says …as to the Lord, and not unto men;

Realize and understand that whatever we do, whether that is homemaking, teaching a Sunday school class, praying, soulwinning, or caring for the needs of others, we are doing that task for the Lord, not to be seen of men. This mindset could change our whole effort in these so-called “duties.” When our “heartily” is toward God instead of toward our own wants or even reputations, our efforts will be out of a love of God and a desire to please our Saviour.

Today, let us purpose in our hearts to please God with everything that we do. Let us “heartily” live to please the Lord, not to be seen by others. In obeying God’s command in Colossians 3:23, we will become more effective servants for the cause of Christ.

by Erin Montgomery

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