When He Speaks, Listen

Not long after I got saved, I chose a life’s verse. It was an easy choice for me.  The first sermon I ever heard my pastor preach was a sermon called “Eagles.” I never forgot that sermon. One of the verses on which he focused in that sermon was Isaiah 40:31, which says, But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Since I am not a very patient person, this verse was a great reminder that I needed to learn to wait on God and His timing. I clung to this verse many times. It proved to be a great life’s verse.

Many years later, I had a job with a company that seemed great on the surface. It was a fun work environment with many perks and benefits. The problem was that everyone there was related or was friends with each other; I was an outsider. I had my own office but really did not have anything to do. I pretty much stared at the walls for eight hours a day. The owners asked me how everything was going, and I expressed that it would be better if I knew what it was that I was supposed to be doing each day.

One afternoon, I was eating lunch in my office. While I was eating, I was reading one of Mrs. Marlene Evans’ books. In the book she referenced Job 23:10, which says, But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. Immediately the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me that this was to be my life’s verse. I laughed and said, “No, thank you! I already have a life’s verse.” I literally sat at my desk and argued with the Holy Spirit. He kept pressing me and telling me that this was to be my new life’s verse. I kept arguing and refusing to accept it because I knew what it would mean if I were to accept it as my life’s verse.

Having Isaiah 40:31 as my life’s verse was hard enough. That verse had the purpose of teaching me to be patient. Everyone knows not to pray for patience because, when we do, God will give us plenty of opportunities to be patient. If I were to accept Job 23:10 as my life’s verse, I knew what was coming; I was going to be tried. I do not think anyone, including me, wants to be tried. Sure, the Bible promises that once God has tried us, we will end up as gold, but I was content where I was. I did not need to be gold. After all, the Bible also says, …in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

Try arguing with someone who does not raise his voice. That person does not really argue but just gently and lovingly tells the listener what is right, even when he might not want to hear. That is the worst kind of argument. There is no sense in even arguing. The Holy Spirit is a still, small voice. He does not force His will on us but gently and lovingly speaks to our hearts, encouraging us to do the right thing.

I knew that I needed to listen to Him, though I REALLY did not want to listen. As I sat right at my desk, I yielded to the Holy Spirit. I cried and told the Lord that I was afraid to accept Job 23:10 as my life’s verse because I did not want to be tried, but I trusted Him and would do as He was leading.

I had barely finished praying when someone knocked on my office door. I was asked to go see the owner. I walked into the owner’s office and was told that I was fired; things just were not working. I was in complete shock. I had never been fired, but worse than that, I was wondering what I was going to do. I needed that job! My family could not live on my husband’s income alone. I packed up my things and walked to my car. I made it to my car and could barely drive because I could not see through the tears.

I drove to a park near my house because I could not bear going home. What would I tell everyone? I parked in the parking lot and pulled out my Bible. I read, prayed, and wept. What I did not do was blame God. It would have been really easy to say, “See, I knew this would happen if I accepted that life’s verse; this is why I didn’t want it!” Instead, I praised God and thanked Him for His perfect timing and His loving watch care over me. I was so thankful that He had given me that life’s verse. I did not have any idea when I yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit that I would need that verse so soon. However, there I was clinging to it and begging the Lord to bring me through this trial as gold.

God knew what I needed and when I needed it. I am happy to report that I did come through that trying as “gold.” My relationship with the Lord was increased dramatically that day, and in the end, all worked together for the good.

I can honestly say that I have cherished this verse so many times in my life since that day. I cannot say that I am “gold” continually, but He is not finished with me yet. I know that there will be more testing in my future, but I also know that His promises are true. When He is done with me, I shall come forth as gold—valuable to Him and for Him.

Have you heard that still, small voice speaking to you? This is the best advice I can offer: When He speaks, listen!

by Crystal Collingsworth

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