As our Christian school began preparing for Teacher’s Planning Week, I found myself feeling overwhelmed with everything that I needed to get done in just a few days. I had my regular teacher stuff to complete: putting my room together, getting lessons ready, and preparing everything that goes with a successful start to a new school year. However, unlike previous years, I was moved to a new room with a new class, all while the school was undergoing extensive remodeling. I also had to get my own children prepared for the start of school. My youngest would be going to school for the first time. In addition to this, I had minor surgery scheduled for the Friday before school started, not to mention the normal weekly tasks looming over me of laundry, dishes, and meals. I was just overwhelmed!
As I sat in my car on the first day of Planning Week, not really wanting to even go in the building, I prayed and told God how overwhelmed I was feeling. He reminded me how David spoke about being overwhelmed. I opened the Bible app on my phone and looked up the word “overwhelmed.” One of the verses that came up was Psalm 142:3, When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path.
What a comfort that when we are overwhelmed, God isn’t! He knows where we are, and He knows the road we are walking. In verse 2 of this psalm, David says, I poured out my complaint before him; I shewed before him my trouble. He told God what was going on in his life and what he did not like about it. David also comes back with the thought that …thou knewest my path.
In the midst of trouble, God knows our paths. When we have plenty about which to complain, God already knows what is up ahead for us. When we are overwhelmed, God knows right where we are. God is able to change the circumstances or even just calm our hearts in the midst of those seemingly-impossible circumstances.
David reminded me that God was with me in this week that had seemed so impossible. Now, I knew I could make it through the week for sure with God on my side. When we are overwhelmed, God isn’t!
by Vicki Voorhis