Always Learning

Happy Monday. “Keep on learning; don’t ever know.” – Dr. Jack Hyles

This week is the anniversary of my marriage to a man who lived life every day. He was always studying and learning from daily happenings. Someone once said of Jack Hyles, “He was interesting because he was interested.” I cannot recall a time in our more than 50 years together when he was bored. He was aware and conscious of the life around him. Never did he feel as if he had arrived. He would say, “When you get to the top, raise the top and climb some more.”

All types of people were his teachers. Whether they seemed to be big people or little people, to the mind of Jack Hyles, anyone who could teach him something was BIG. He was a student of all kinds of things, especially of what he knew I enjoyed. He learned about gardening, good music, art, opera, and even shopping (which he liked).

Historian Henry Adams said, “They know enough who know how to learn.” Could it be that the youth of today are bored with life before they have lived it? Instead, if they are not careful, they may find themselves dabbling with harmful things while looking for a thrill.

Abigail Adams said, “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” Staying alert and always learning from people and circumstances is to purposely live life every day.

My husband studied mainly to show himself approved of God. He always wanted to be …rightly dividing the word of truth. (II Timothy 2:15) Thus, his bread which was served in his messages was always fresh and satisfying to every listener. No, he did not miss out on living life.

One day, will the same be said of us?

by Beverly Hyles

From the Mondays with Beverly blog. Reprinted with permission.

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