Sunshine in My Soul

One of my most often-used parenting phrases is, “Let’s go outside.” Cranky toddlers? “Let’s go outside!” Beautiful day? “Let’s go outside!” Stressed? “Let’s go outside.” Feeling worn down? “Let’s go outside.” Messy house? “Let’s go outside!” No matter the issue, it seems that taking a walk, digging in the dirt, or simply sitting in the sun makes it better.

A quick search tells me that there are many benefits to being outside in the sunlight. Sunlight strengthens bones, kills bacteria, reduces stress, improves sleep quality, boosts moods, relieves pain, and even helps wounds to heal! It is amazing that such a simple solution could have so many wonderful benefits.

The Bible teaches us that Jesus is our heavenly Sunlight:

John 8:12 says, Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Psalm 27:1 says, The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 36:9 says, For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light.

Time spent in the heavenly Light strengthens our soul, kills sin in our lives, reduces anxiety, improves our rest, boosts our spirits, relieves heartache, and even heals our spiritual hurts. The solution to so many of our spiritual problems is so simple: Let us go to our prayer closets and soak in the Sunlight.

There is sunshine in my soul today,

More glorious and bright

Than glows in any earthly sky,

For Jesus is my light.

There is gladness in my soul today,

And hope and praise and love,

For blessings which He gives me now,

For joys “laid up” above.

Oh, there’s sunshine, blessed sunshine,

When the peaceful, happy moments roll;

When Jesus shows His smiling face,

There is sunshine in my soul.

– Eliza E. Hewitt

My friends, is there Sunshine in your souls today?

by Abigail Medford

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