A Heart Condition

Proverbs 11:22, As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.

The world puts so much time and focuses on the outward appearance, and though that is truly enjoyable and important, it does not compare at all to our conduct as Christians. Our actions and the condition of our hearts hold so much more weight in the eyes of Christ! I was reminded when I read this verse of the expression, “Like putting lipstick on a pig!”

The time that we spend on outward appearances is really pointless if we are not spending time making sure we have a clean heart and right actions! I enjoy looking as nice as I can, and I believe it is important because we represent Christ. However, at the end of our lives, we will not be thinking of how we look; we will be remembering what we DID for Christ!

by Elizabeth Myers

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