So Little Time

And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking. – Mark 8:24

Recently, our church had a huge missions conference, and—oh boy—did I need it! It was especially a challenge to me because it reminded me to go and tell the world about Jesus. We do not have much time left!

One statement really spoke to me. Someone asked, “Do we see people as trees, or do we see them as souls going to Heaven or Hell? Do we see people as we see trees, not really noticing because we see people every day? Or do we see people as eternal souls heading toward either Heaven or Hell?”

This statement spoke to me so much after seeing how Covid affected this past year. Ministries such as soulwinning, bus ministries, outreach, etc., were halted. These are the ministries that enabled us to hand out tracts to invite others to church and to present the Gospel message. This is exactly what the devil wanted; he wanted us to stop telling others about Jesus. The fear regarding this virus has caused many to do just that.

At this conference, missionaries talked about the fields to which they are going and about these countries which do not even have Bibles. Yet, I live in a house with three or four Bibles just in the next room. These Bibles tell of salvation and how to go to Heaven, but we hesitate to share the Gospel with others. In other countries, lost people are getting saved through missions, then they themselves are working to get others saved also. These new converts barely know how, but they want to tell others about what God did for them.

We need to stop letting things get in the way of our telling others about Jesus. People need the Lord. All it takes to start is to tell one person about Jesus! It may surprise us how God can use our telling that one person about Heaven to change the world. We do not have much time left.

So Little Time

The harvest white, with reapers few is wasting,

And many souls will die and never know,

The love of Christ, the joy of sins forgiven,

Oh let us weep and love and pray and go!

Today we reap, or miss our golden harvest!

Today is given us lost souls to win.

Oh, then to save some dear ones from the burning,

Today we’ll go to bring some sinner in.

– John R. Rice

by Stephanie Norman

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