Be Still

I am a forty-something mother of three, and anyone who knows my children knows that they are very busy children! I also teach science in our high school and am the 11th grade homeroom teacher. I grew up in church and in the home of faithful lay people in the church. I cannot count the many times I have heard my dad’s name mentioned by people who were giving testimonies or were thanking other Christians who had influenced them.

As a mom, I try to do my devotions early in the morning, and this morning was like most. On this particular morning, I had gotten up early, put on my makeup, and sat down to read my Bible. Fortunately, my children had actually decided to sleep past 5 a.m. I honestly do not even remember what I was reading that morning because my mind was so full of everything that I needed to accomplish that day: making lunches, washing and folding the never ending laundry, grading homework for classes, planning labs, finishing up things for spring break, and redecorating my classroom.

As I sat there, God brought to mind the verse Psalm 46:10, which says, Be still, and know that I am God:  I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. This verse has been quoted by many and probably hangs in many homes. There have even been songs written about it. Many times, I can manage to get my body still, but getting my mind still is a whole different story! However, that is what God calls us to do in this verse—Be still,… One definition for still is “deep silence and calm.” That is what God tells us to do: to have deep silence and calm. We are not just to be still, but we are to be still AND know that He is God. We must quiet ourselves and realize that He is God. He has it all under control.

This verse also says that He will be exalted among the heathen. What struck me about this phrase is not that He will be exalted but among whom He will be exalted. When we allow ourselves to be still and acknowledge His power, He is exalted not just among those who claim His name but also among the heathen. In this world today, we see people (or maybe saying “hear of” is more appropriate because we do not really “see” them) hiding in their houses because of this virus. As Christians, we do not need to live in fear. As a result, our testimonies of a calm assurance that God is in control can cause God to be exalted.

Even in the midst of the craziness of life, we can be still. In doing so, not only will we find rest and blessings ourselves, but we also can be a great testimony to others around us of God’s promises fulfilled!

by Vicki Voorhis

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