When Life Gets Heavy

As we arrived home from the grocery store, my children and I began to unload my car. My two youngest children helped with the lighter bags while my oldest son was antsy to pick up the heavier items such as the milk and the soda cans. We walked into the house with groceries and were almost finished unloading the car. My oldest son began to close the car door but paused as he saw one more thing that needed to be put away—a forty-count pack of water bottles.

I looked at him and asked, “Are you going to try and get that?”

He replied, “No! Can you carry it, Mom? It’s too heavy!”

I always appreciate having extra help carrying all of the groceries into the house. I do not always have my “little helpers” there to assist with carrying the groceries. On those occasions, I often attempt to carry all of the groceries in at once with one hand, leaving my other hand empty to unlock the door to the house. I have not always been successful at this. I recall one time when a new jar of Jif peanut butter broke through the bottom of the bag. The bag had split open, and that heavy jar slammed onto the top of my foot. Once, a gallon of milk broke through the bag and hit the ground—milk exploded everywhere!

If we carry too many heavy groceries at one time, we may drop something or the bags may break, spilling their contents. I am glad that I do not need to carry my grocery bags for a very long time. Surely, they would become heavy, and I would grow tired.

The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:7, Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. In our Christian lives, we carry “grocery bags” of burdens. Just as grocery bags have different items—some lighter and some heavier—burdens in our lives can weigh us down as well. I will not list any specific burdens because we all have different ones that we carry. We can try to carry all of these burdens at one time day after day. Eventually, our burdens will become heavy. We will then falter, lose strength, and grow weary.

The Bible says in Matthew 11:30, For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. We have a God Who can help us carry our burdens. He wants to help us. Will we be the lady who carries her “groceries” around in one hand, stumbling and failing in weariness? Instead, let us say, “Can you carry it, God? It’s too heavy!” When life gets too heavy, we can cast it ALL on Him. He wants to help us to carry it all so that we are free to serve Him more!

by Mandy Harper

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