She Poured Out Her Soul

From I Samuel 1:15

Here is just a little Bible journaling, a lesson about Hannah, to brighten the day!

Hannah was so distraught over not being able to have a child. The Bible says that she poured out her soul before the Lord. To pour out means “to gush like rushing lava from a volcano.” What a word picture that is! I can almost see her sprawled out before the Lord, limp and lacking strength to go onward. She wanted to have a child so badly that she did not care who was watching or what they thought. She was overcome with such a desire for God to hear and grant her petition. My heart just aches imagining her overwhelming pain at being barren. However, what happened next was amazing. God granted her petition! He gave her a son!

Wow! How my prayer life pales in comparison to Hannah’s! We often pray in such a quick manner, almost as if it were an afterthought, and then wonder why our prayers are not answered. How sobering this is to me to the point that I must ask myself sometimes, “How badly do I want what I am praying for?”

When was the last time that I poured out my soul in prayer about something and then saw God answer in a miraculous way? How much am I willing to pour out my soul and let my tears gush out like lava before God?

Maybe that miracle for which we desperately ache is only waiting on us to give it to the Lord in prayer. I am certain God has so much waiting in store to give each and every one of us. Perhaps, He is waiting to see us bending a knee and to hear us pouring out our needs to Him!

by April Hernandez

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