God Is Good All of the Time!

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. – Hebrews 13:8

I am reminded of when my husband and I were dating every time I hear this verse. During this time, no matter what was happening in our lives or in the world, John would always say to me, “God is good all of the time.”

I would have to agree: all of the time, God is good! We need to remember that God is good today and every day! No matter what we are enduring in life, God is good. No matter how grim the world seems, God is good all of the time. When Donald Trump became president, God was good. When the presidency recently was filled by Joe Biden, God was good then as well because God is good all of the time! He is there even when we cannot see Him. However, He can see us! We may be worried about what is happening around us, but we can rest assured that God knows and understands it all. The trail we are traveling right now may seem hard, but it may allow us to have the opportunity to help someone else. We may never know the results until days, weeks, months, or even years later. However, God has a plan, and it is always good!

While I was attending Bible college, I received word that my dad had died. This was the kind of news that no one ever wants to hear. The days and weeks that followed my dad’s passing were very hard for me. However, through the difficulty, I have been able to see the ways God has used and still is using my grief to help others.

I went home for a week following my dad’s death. That Saturday I went soulwinning and knocked on the door of a young boy around my age. I asked him, “If you were to die today, would you go to Heaven?” He said he was not sure. While standing at his front door, I was able to lead him to the Lord. Now, I am not sure if that was a reason that God took my dad home, but every time I think of my dad, that young boy comes to my mind. Maybe he would have been saved after listening to another soulwinner if I had not been there; but I would like to think that God used my dad’s death to bring me home to lead that young man to Christ. I do not know where that boy is today, but on the anniversary of my dad’s homegoing each April, I remember that boy. It gives me an extra reason to rejoice in the future of Heaven.

God knows exactly what each of us face. Regardless of what is happening in our lives or in this world, we can have hope in this:

God is good all of the time!

 by Stephanie Norman

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