Getting the Basics

As I make a grocery list, I usually start with what I would call “the basics.” I check the refrigerator and then the pantry. In our family, the basic necessities are milk, eggs, and bread. Now, my husband would also say that coffee creamer is one of our basics because I drink more of that than I do the coffee itself! These things are usually the first to run out and are always what we buy while at the grocery store. If I have these items at home, then I can at least make breakfast and have a cup of coffee.

In each home the basics may be different, but those are the basics on which we rely to get through the week. If we do not have milk, then we cannot have a bowl of cereal; and if we do not have creamer, then we cannot have coffee. The basic necessities are what help us “survive” until the next shopping day.

All of my children are in school now and are learning what we would call the basics of education. While my younger son is learning how to read and write, my older son is learning division and is writing small book reports. If my older son had never learned the basics, he would not be able to write a book report. We all at some point have learned our ABCs and have learned to read and write. The educational basics are necessary for us to be able to live and to communicate with one another effectively.

In our Christian lives, whether we have been saved for five days or five decades, we should stick with the basics. The Bible says in II Timothy 3:14-15, But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Many times when I am struggling in my day-to-day life, it is because I have put off my Bible reading or have forgotten to pray before starting the day. We all have different lives and schedules. Staying home with children or dealing with a busy work schedule can be distracting. I know, for me, it seems that if I take the time to put the Lord first and get in my Bible as I should, my day goes much smoother. It is amazing how, if we stick to the basics in our Christian lives, God always comes through and blesses us. Let us remember to stick to the basics so we can grow and make it through this life God has for each of us.

by Mandy Harper

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