Are You Wasting Your Wax?

The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD… – Proverbs 20:27

What is the purpose of a candle? It is a tool that gives light. The candle gives of itself so others can see clearly. Each candle has a set amount of wax which determines how much light it will provide.

We have the same purpose of providing the light of Christ. This is an honor! We are His tools that He uses in order to help others to see Him. God has given each of us a certain amount of wax (time, resources, health, etc.), but we are allowed to choose what we do with our wax. We can choose to stay “unlit” and useless, or we can determine to dedicate ourselves to the Lord so that we can burn brightly!

In Luke 8:16, the Lord also speaks about a candle: No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light. What good is a candle that is hidden? It has no purpose. It certainly is not helping anyone see clearly.

What is the benefit of Christian who studies his Bible, seeks to grow close to the Lord, allows the Lord to set his heart on fire, and then hides his light? If others never know that he is a Christian, his candle is hidden. Being a “secret-service agent” Christian serves no purpose. It is a waste of wax.

Having a desire to please the Lord is a wonderful ambition. We all should want to learn from Him, draw closer to Him, and walk with Him. However, what is the motive of doing this if we are unwilling to shine for Him?

Teaching others how to walk with the Lord is being a light. Sharing the Gospel with anyone who will listen is being a candle. Having an excellent testimony in the workplace is being a lamp.

I will not hide my light, and I refuse to allow anyone else to hide it! It is hard to imagine myself “going dark” by being embarrassed about being a Christian in this light-starved world. I will let my …light so shine before men…!

We have a limited amount of time to burn brightly for Christ, and the opportunity to shine for Him will be gone before we know it. The world is such a dark place. More candles are needed!

No Christian has the right to waste wax. It was given to us as a gift to be shared. Shine!

by Elizabeth Myers

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