Why Your “Spot” Is So Important

Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them. – John 8:1-2

Lately, I have been feeling quite disconnected from God in my Bible reading and personal devotions. I would read the Bible and even listen to it at times, making sure to get God’s Word in my head every day, no matter what. Still, it had been a while since I had “heard” God tell me something during my personal Bible time. I started to wonder why this was. I never audibly said, “God, what’s up? Why are You not speaking to me?” However, I harbored this question in my mind and heart for a while. This morning, God answered my question in such a kind and loving way that I wanted to share it.

To get something from spending time with God, we must be willing to follow a few simple guidelines. I am certain that we all have heard sermons or read books about the things I am going to mention; but, sometimes God must repeat things to us. He will remind us when we are a little off track and steer us in the right direction. Some readers may already be doing some of these things, but some may also be like me, tending to let other things take the place of reading the Bible.

Look for God First Thing in the Morning

For the most part, I seek God first thing in the morning. Before I go downstairs to eat breakfast or get ready for work, I go to the Bible first. However, it has been a while since I have physically taken my Bible in hand to “read” it. I am often in such a hurry in the morning that I fall back on an audible Bible app, scrolling to the book and chapter listed on my Bible reading plan and letting the app read to me. Even though I technically am seeking God first thing in the morning and listening to His Word, there is no substitute for reading from the physical Bible. Even if it is by spending only fifteen minutes reading, it is important to see the words as they are read. Seeing God’s words on those pages will penetrate our hearts and minds in a way that listening to the Bible cannot.

Come to God

Verse 2 of John 8 says, …and all the people came unto him… Just as we flock to the church building to gather, listen, and learn from the preaching of God’s Word, we must create a habit of going to God in our personal devotions. God is not going to forcibly push us toward our Bibles every morning or every day. We often may pass by our Bibles during our morning routines and completely disregard opening them while thinking, “I’m in a hurry” or “I will do it later.” If we do not come before God with Bible in hand, we cannot expect Him to speak to us or show us that one thing we desperately need to get through the day. Instead of passing by the Bible, pick it up!

Find Your Spot

It is so important to have that one “spot” at home where we consistently meet with God. When my husband passed away, I realized how much I needed that spot: a dedicated place where I could just shut everything out for a few minutes, take up my Bible, and read. I experimented with many places at first but soon learned that the place that felt right to me was in my living room on my couch. Just as I go to church every week and have my special seat picked out where I can sit to listen to the preaching and to learn from God, I have a “spot” in my home where I can personally meet with the Lord.

Sadly, I had forsaken this place for many months, replacing it with my art studio table where I write the Scriptures and journal in my Bible. There was nothing wrong with this, but I realized that I missed reading the Bible on my couch. It is a fellowship that cannot be replaced by anything else.

Sit Down and Be Still

Verse 2 also says, …and he sat down… Jesus sat down with the people. Just as He sat down with the people gathered around Him at the Mount of Olives, we also should sit down in that special spot to meet with God. I was humbled when God showed me this because it seems that I am always on the go, doing something for someone else, and I cast aside the fact that I need to take the time to sit down and meet with God. Nothing else that I do in my life can replace this quiet time with Him.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is found in Psalm 46. Verse 10 says, Be still, and know that I am God… If I do not learn to have a time during my day when I can sit down and learn from God, I will most surely be missing important lessons that will help me be a better Christian. We must not let the busyness of life steal these precious moments we need.

Let God Teach You

Jesus …taught them. Yes, He taught them important life lessons on the Mount of Olives, but He did not do so as He was rushing by the scribes and Pharisees when they approached Him with an adulterous woman. No, He was sitting down on the mountain and teaching them. God teaches us the best lessons when we are sitting in our spots, holding His Word, and listening with open hearts.

Jesus said nary a word to the scribes and Pharisees as they accused this woman of adultery. It was clear she was guilty, but He did not say anything. After waiting until they were finished, He said just one thing that is found in verse 7: …He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Then, He commenced writing on the ground. The Bible does not say what He wrote, but it was enough to convict these men, and one by one, they began to leave.

Later, Jesus asked the woman where her accusers were. She saw that no one was left, and then Jesus told her to go and sin no more. The lesson He taught here is that of compassion. No one is perfect; we all sin. Therefore, we all should have compassion on others when they are at their lowest. Those on the Mount of Olives never would have learned this lesson if they had not been sitting there listening to Jesus.

I am grateful God has allowed me to get back to my “spot” on the couch this morning. I needed to be reminded that this is where I will learn the most and feel more connected to Him daily. Will I continue to journal in my Bible and write the Scriptures? Of course, I will! This is part of how I meet with and worship the Lord, but it should not be the only way I meet with God.

I encourage you, dear lady, to find your “spot” this morning!

by April Hernandez

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