In I Samuel 16, we find the familiar story of David being anointed king by Samuel. Each of Jesse’s sons were presented to Samuel as he waited for God to tell him which one would be the next king. Verse 7 says, But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. Samuel, the man of God, looked at each man as he passed by and considered that this son or that son may be a good candidate for the future king of Israel. However, God knew the hearts of these men and knew that none of these were the right man for the job.
I have heard this verse used as a justification for dressing like the world. People say, “God knows my heart.” I have also heard this verse used in a plea to be careful about judging others because we can see only the outward appearance. However, I considered the person who was being judged in this passage (although he had not yet arrived at the point that this statement was made). I thought about the young man David. His own father did not even consider that he could be used in this way. Man did not see him as someone who God could use.
Just like David was, maybe you have been overlooked by those around you or even judged unjustly. Perhaps you have even said to yourself, “I could never do that because I don’t have her talent” or “I can’t because I did x, y, or z in my past.” Instead, see yourself as God sees you. God sees your heart. Instead of seeing a person who is unable, untalented, or ineligible, He sees a heart that is surrendered to Him. God sees what you can be. He sees the possibility. Others may underestimate you, but God knows your potential.
On the other hand, maybe you are like David’s brothers. You look good on the outside, but you know that your outward demeanor is just that––an outer appearance and not a true reflection of your heart. If this is the case, it is not too late to fix that and ask God to help your heart match your outward appearance.
God sees your heart. Make sure you are focusing on how He sees you and not just on what others think of you.
by Vicki Voorhis