What Does God’s Presence Mean to You?

One morning while getting ready for school, my oldest son asked me to suggest a passage he could learn for the Bible verse competition in his class. He would get two points per verse he could recite, but he could receive a bonus of two points if it were a complete passage containing at least five verses. I mentioned Psalm 139, a chapter I had memorized in high school that was still very special to me.

As we were reading over the chapter, I noticed that in the first several verses, David mentions various ways how God was present and aware of David’s life. He reminded us that God knew when he sat down and when he got up. He even knew his thoughts before he thought them. He said in verse 5 that God had…beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. God was in front of and behind him; He covered David with His hand. David went on to say that it did not matter where he was because God was with him, whether that were in Heaven, Hell, or even the depths of the sea.

As I looked at these verses, I was reminded of the wonderful promises of this chapter. When I am on the mountaintop, God is right there rejoicing with me. When I am in the valley, He is there keeping me safe in His care and providing the strength I need. No matter what is going on in my life, God is there. What a comfort this is!

On the other side of this thought, I also considered how God is always with me, not only in the times I need Him but also when I fail Him. When I say that unkind word, He hears it. When I think a proud thought, He knows. When I make excuses, He knows the truth.

A faithful Father, He is always there for His children. We are excited for Him to be near to witness our accomplishments. We want Him to be near when we are afraid or hurt to provide our needed comfort. Conversely, we feel the sting of shame when He witnesses our disobedience.

Perhaps this is the reason for David ending this particular Psalm with the words, Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. His presence should comfort us but also should motivate us to be better children as we serve our forever faithful Father.

by Vicki Voorhis

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