Honoring Mother

We will celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend. It is hard not to notice because of all the advertisements, television commercials, store signs, and even calendars showcasing the day! This time of year, I am filled with thankfulness for my mother and for how she influenced my life.

Mother’s Day is set aside to honor and to show appreciation to all mothers. The Bible says in Exodus 20:12, Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. We honor our mothers by how we live our lives. We are to live in a way that brings honor, not just once each year but every day. Honor means “to have a high respect or great esteem.” Our mothers deserve no less than honor.

This Mother’s Day, many ladies will receive special phone calls, flowers, chocolates, or even nice dinners from children showing honor to them. For those whose mothers are in Heaven, this day can be difficult; however, it still can be a special time to remember and to honor those who have passed on before us. My mother went to Heaven several years ago, and while Mother’s Day brings some feelings of sadness, I purposefully try to do things to honor my mom on this day.

  • I always try to spend extra time with my own children, knowing that being their mother is such a gift and a blessing to me.
  • I work to remain faithful in reading my Bible, praying, and attending church.
  • I write notes of encouragement. One of Mom’s favorite things to do was to write encouraging notes to others. I have not mastered this yet, but when I do write notes, I think of Mom.
  • I sing for the Lord. Mom also loved to sing and play the piano. I have many opportunities to sing in church, and I often think of times together at church when she encouraged me in my reluctant youthfulness by saying, “Sing!”
  • I honor others. The Lord has blessed me with many “mother figures” in my church in the years since my mom went to Heaven. These ladies love me and are always there when I need to call to ask for some advice. Mother’s Day gives me the opportunity to honor these ladies for their faithful examples.

Today is a day to thank our Lord for giving us godly mothers and “mother figures” who have loved us and have shown by example how to live for the Lord!

Her children arise up, and call her blessed;… – Proverbs 31:28

by Mandy Harper

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