Happy Thoughts

After getting into the car at the end of a school day, my children have often said, “Mom! I made you something!” Sometimes, their artistic renderings of me look like a stick man (or stick mom) with crazy eyes. I typically reply, “Thank you! Mom had not had her coffee yet in this picture!” My children and I laugh at this. Other times, they bring me a quick note or a completed coloring page. Deep down, I am reminded of how much my children love me when they take time to make something for me. They think about me in the busyness of the school day.

We all enjoy receiving little notes, cards, or maybe gifts. Sometimes when I am at the store and see a card or gift, a friend or family member comes to mind. I think, “Oh, they would like this!”

My daughter recently had her birthday. Around three weeks prior to her birthday, she started checking the mailbox. Finding it empty, she would walk back into the house and say, “Why hasn’t anyone sent me a birthday card yet?” I kept reminding her that her birthday was still three weeks away. Some of our relatives always send her birthday cards. She was concerned and wondered why they had not sent anything yet. She continued to check the mailbox every day. It was not until two days before her birthday that she received her first birthday card. She was thrilled that someone thought about her and sent her a card.

I am reminded that Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil… Our Lord thinks about us! I know we as ladies can be hard on ourselves and even may be our own worst critics. The Lord not only thinks about us but also has thoughts of peace toward us. He knows our failures, weaknesses, and strengths. He knows what we are. He knows everything about us. The fact that we have a God Who thinks about us ought to be more than enough to bring a smile to our faces.

That verse goes on to say, …to give you an expected end. God knows what is ahead. As our Heavenly Father, He is with us to guide us through life. Next time we wonder if someone is thinking about us or if anyone cares for us, we should look at this verse and be reminded that we have a God Who thinks about us all the time!

by Mandy Harper

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