Grow in Grace

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. ­– II Peter 3:18

We hear much about growth in relation to our Christian lives. Flowers first must be planted in order to grow, just as we first must be born physically to experience growth from infancy to adulthood. To grow spiritually, we first must be born again. I Peter 1:23 says, Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. God’s Word tells us that we are sinners, that the penalty for our sin is Hell, and that Christ came to pay that penalty for us. To receive His free gift of salvation, we simply must …Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,… (Acts 16:31) At that moment, we are born again! It is then that we start our new life in Christ; but from that moment on, we are expected to grow.

While the Bible tells us to grow in grace, here are a few things to keep in mind:

We all do not grow at the same pace.

Some plants grow quickly, such as bamboo, which grows 1.5 inches per hour. Others, meanwhile, can grow more slowly, such as the cactus, which grows about one inch per year. As Christians, we should not expect to grow at the same pace as others. The important thing is to keep growing!

Some may find themselves in a period of rapid growth. While this is wonderful, they should take care to keep their roots (biblical foundation) strong. They must be attentive to the influences they are allowing in their hearts and minds through relationships, social media, books, and podcasts. It is imperative to remain under good, doctrinally sound preaching.

Perhaps, others may feel they are not growing as quickly as they have in the past or when compared to others around them. They should consider adding more water (Bible reading). Perhaps, a little pruning would be helpful in the areas of attitudes, activities, or associations. It is important to fertilize with preaching and godly counsel. No matter what, they must keep growing!

We should never stop growing.

Just like that tree that will continue to grow through its lifetime, we must continue to grow. If we stop growing, we eventually will begin dying.

The same things we needed to start growing are the same things we need for continued growth.

Just as our bodies need nourishment for physical growth, our hearts and minds need the Bible for spiritual growth. Reading the Bible will help us grow not only in knowledge and wisdom but also in the grace we need as we apply Scripture to our lives.

All in all, to experience the growth God expects from us, we all should take care to cultivate ourselves with God’s Word every day, find ways to serve Him more, and take everything to Him in prayer. A beautiful garden needs a variety of flowers: some that grow slowly, some that grow quickly, and everything in between. Growing in grace may look different for each of us. Let us remember to grow some every day. Whether that growth is a little or a lot, it is all growth!

by Vicki Voorhis

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