God Is Able Through Our Inability

And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward:Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;

 – II Corinthians 3:4-5




We may never say it out loud. Many of us would never dream of confessing verbally how we feel about our lack of ability in the will of God. However, I know many, if not most of us, have felt this way in our hearts numerous times in our lives while serving the Lord.

“Why would they ask me to teach Sunday school? I didn’t go to Bible college. Those class members deserve better.”

“I don’t want to speak to other ladies. What would I have to offer? I don’t even have my own life together!”

“I’m not good with babies. I’m the last person who should be helping in the nursery.”

“Soulwinning?! I’m terrified to speak in public—but to a total stranger at their front door? That’s not me.”

We look at ourselves in those moments when opportunities lay at our feet, and we see all the things that should label us as disqualified. We see our shortcomings, our lack of knowledge, our health problems, our past mistakes, and our broken pieces; then, we assume we know more than God.

Unfortunately, this is not what the Bible calls “the mind of Christ.” We may think, “Here am I, Lord! Send me,” but when we see what God has up ahead, we say, “Use me, BUT NOT THERE.” We often allow our carnal judgment to call the shots mentally; fear becomes our decision-maker. Instead of trusting God and letting Him make up the difference, we turn away from opportunities that may be the pathway to our own necessary growth.

We are never and will never be enough. Even as a confident person, I am extremely aware of my shortcomings. I know where I do not measure up to what I think I should be. However, I have learned that where my abilities, talents, qualifications, and confidence in myself end, God is waiting there to use the broken pieces for His glory. Our usability as a tool in the hands of the Potter is only enabled when we relinquish ourselves to let Him create the masterpiece that we could never make otherwise.

Moses begged God to send someone else (Exodus 4). Instead, God used him in spite of his past misdeeds, his wavering faith, and his physical shortcomings (his speech). His obedience led to the deliverance of God’s people from Egypt.

Esther could not see or understand how she was supposed to change the heart of the King, but she followed good counsel. She stepped out in faith, regardless of the possible devastating outcome, and saved the Jews from annihilation.

Jeremiah was well aware of his youth and lack of qualifications to do what God wanted him to do (Jeremiah 1). However, God made it clear that it did not matter; serving God as a prophet was what God had planned for Jeremiah’s life. Jeremiah trusted God, let God do the speaking through him, and became one of the most prolific prophets of the Bible.

Gideon had great doubts that he would be able to defeat the Midianites, so much so that he twice asked God for signs to make sure (Judges 6 and 7). Gideon’s doubts were on full display; he was aware of his weakness and inability. Despite his fear, he obeyed, allowing God to make up the difference. The result was a victorious miracle that can only be attributed to an almighty God.

Surrendering our inadequacies is a necessary part of seeing the miracles of God through our service for Him. When the doors of opportunity open, instead of looking down at our tattered, lacking humanity, let us look ahead on His perfection. When we are weak, He will be strong. Where we are imperfect, He is perfect. If we are willing, where our abilities end is where His miracles can begin.

by Tracie S. Burns

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