From Affliction to Adoration

He stepped quietly through the light of early morning dawn and dew. A satisfied, peaceful feeling flooded his soul as he surveyed all that God had given him. The expansive lands dotted with sheep, cattle, and other flocks and herds gave remembrance to the blessings that God had bestowed upon him.

Gazing at his home, he thanked God for his most precious blessing—his family.  God had blessed him with a loving wife, sons, and daughters. The family had recently enjoyed a time of togetherness during the feast. Yes, he was immensely and unfathomably blessed by God.

As in times before, he gathered his most precious sheep, and began his day in fellowship with God. He made his offering to the Lord, not for himself, but for his children.

…It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.…

His thoughts were not upon his wealth or blessings, but rather on a relationship with God. His heart glowed with gratitude for the blessings God had so generously bestowed. He carried a desire in his soul to be in close fellowship with his God. As the day progressed in the usual manner, he was accosted by three messengers in succession, all with the same message: …and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.

In such brief passing moments, like a rushing whirlwind of desolation, he had lost all of his wealth. All of the things that signified security and comfort were gone. He had been assaulted, and he was left without recourse. He could scarcely assemble his thoughts into viable actions when one last messenger approached him and said with tears in his eyes, Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother’s house: And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.

There that phrase was again, …and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. Those nine words had pricked his heart three times before. This fourth time rent his heart into pieces. No longer was he attempting to formulate a plan for retribution. No longer was he seeking reparation.

The children for whom he so faithfully had prayed that morning now rested with the God he loved. His most precious blessings from the Lord were now torn from his arms. He mourned, fell upon his knees, and worshipped the Lord.

Job had what we might call a roller-coaster type of day. From morning-as-usual to day-like-no-other, Job’s life was drastically changed. If we were to watch this scene unfold as a bystander, our hearts would grieve with Job. We would all understand his actions of mourning; but then, in bewilderment, we would watch as he fell to the ground and began to worship God.

Oftentimes, our response to tragedy is to exhaust our emotions: anger, sadness, disappointment, and fear. Instead, Job’s response ended with him in adoration for God. How did Job move from affliction to worshipping God? It was simply his inside coming out.

Job did not just say, “Wow! Four people brought me bad news. I guess now is as good a time as any to start serving the Lord.” Of course, that is not what he did! Job already had the right mindset when it came to God. He feared the Lord. He hated that which God hated. When times of trouble came to Job, his relationship with God was evident in his response.

What goes into our minds and hearts comes out in our actions, especially in times of affliction. In Job 1:1, we see that Job feared God and eschewed, or shunned and avoided, evil. In Job 1:3-4, we see that Job was greatly blessed and very wealthy, however, in Job 1:5 we see that the wealth he and his family enjoyed did not hinder his walk with God. It is here that we see that in spite of being financially comfortable, he still sought favor in God’s eyes. His regular routines made him who he was.

If someone were to ask, “Who are you?”  what would we answer? How would our spouses answer this question of us? How would our children, our neighbors, our pastors, or our co-workers answer? Who we are is a compilation of what we feed ourselves spiritually and mentally.

It is easy to get washed away in this world. The news fills our minds with negativity. That angry neighbor assaults our ears with vulgarity. That co-worker tells of his wild weekend, and it dulls our senses to the ways of the world. Soon, we find ourselves thinking negatively, angrily, or just a little more numb to sin.

The wrong things can find their ways into our minds and hearts accidentally. The good things must be purposely added. We must decide to read our Bible, avoid sin, worship the Lord, and serve God by serving others.

At the end of Job 1 in verse 22, we see, In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly. To have the right response in the future during tragedy, we must proactively guard our minds and hearts and edify ourselves in the Lord now. One day, if not already, we will hear the words, …and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. Ingesting those good things will strengthen us in God so that in the day of affliction we can stand in adoration of our Saviour!

by Krystal Salm

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