Focus, Listen, and Rely

Self-help and personal development books are advertised everywhere as a means to better oneself and become successful in life. Many of them have great advice, but all are lacking the one thing that matters most: cultivating a personal relationship with God. 

We can make quiet time to clear our minds, can listen to music to uplift our spirits, and can repeat affirmations to encourage ourselves. However, it is all in vain if we do not fulfill our purpose in life, or worse, if we die unsaved. A life well lived on Earth is worthless if the soul spends eternity in Hell. In addition, a life lived for self is not really a life worth living. Philippians 2:3 reminds us, Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Self-help and personal development books are not all necessarily wrong. However, they far too often create selfish people and turn attention away from the Lord. It is true that no one can pour from an empty vessel, but that vessel should be filled with the Word of God if it ever expects to pour life into others.

If we really want to help ourselves by developing into successful Christians, here are three things we must keep in mind.

Focus on God.

We devote so much time to focusing on our problems that we end up “turning mole hills into mountains.” The time and energy wasted on our problems would be much better spent on the One Who can help us overcome them. The devil needs us to focus on our difficulties, shortcomings, and weaknesses, because it takes our focus off of God. When the devil was tempting Jesus in the wilderness, he wanted Jesus to focus on the fact He was hungry. Instead, Jesus gave us the perfect example to follow when He kept His focus on God and gained the victory. (Matthew 4:1-4)

Listen to God.

Our insecurities speak loud and clear, so much so that they often drown out the voice of anyone else. We cannot grow or step out in faith, like the great men and women of the Bible, because we keep listening to our insecurities. When we listen to those insecurities, we are not only doubting our own abilities but also questioning God and His abilities. God is only limited by our unbelief. (Matthew 13:58; Matthew 17:20)  We need to silence our insecurities and boldly proclaim, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13)

Rely on God.

Everyone is out to prove that they are strong and can do things on their own. Women, especially, are guilty of this; we think we do not need anyone’s help. The truth of the matter is that we are mere mortals, and thus our strength is weak. The children’s song “Jesus Loves Me” reminds us that “…they are weak, but He is strong.”  We need to banish our pride and ask the Lord for help. God truly knows best, and we should trust Him. Always faithful, He worthy of our all, and that includes our unwavering faith in Him. We are promised in the Bible that, when we trust Him, He will direct our paths.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6      

by Crystal Collingsworth  

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