After a family trip to Tennessee, we were driving home and saw signs indicating that there was a detour ahead. We had to leave the main highway while hoping and praying that Google Maps could help us to find our way back. Our detour included several roads we would not have chosen to travel, including an almost one-lane dirt road. Eventually, we did make it through our detour and back onto the main highway. To our surprise, we saw that what had detoured us was some road construction. In addition, those few extra minutes of delay from the detour were likely the reason that we avoided an accident we passed along the way.
Many times, we are faced with life’s “detours.” At least, I know that my life has had its share! Sometimes these detours have included doctor’s visits, job changes, and moves halfway across the country. None of these changes were part of my plan, but they were part of God’s plan. Proverbs 16:9 illustrates this fact so beautifully when it says, A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.
I had made my plans for my life. I knew where I wanted to end up, and I knew how I was going to get there. Then came the detours! My plan was to teach at the school where I grew up. Instead, God’s detours sent me on a journey to Indiana, Virginia, and South Florida before He brought me back to my home church and school. My plans were to get married immediately after graduating from college. God’s detour included a waiting period of an additional eight years to get married; I felt as though all of my dreams of marriage and family were out of reach before God rerouted me and brought the right man along.
The great thing about God’s detours is that He never loses signal; He never leaves us stranded in the middle of nowhere. He always knows exactly where we need to end up, and as long as we are willing to follow His leading, our detours will always lead us in the direction of His perfect will.
Follow God’s detours and trust in Him along the journey to reach God’s perfect destination.
by Vicki Voorhis